Earth Angel

Jean Roalsvig Jean Roalsvig

Open Ourselves to Possibilities

Our human minds tend to lean towards comfort, staying in the same routine and patterns, doing the same things day after day.  Perhaps there is more to explore in this lifetime.  When we step outside our comfort zone, we invite possibilities to experience new and amazing conversations and awareness of the wider world we live in.  Maybe we start a welcoming conversation with a complete stranger being curious of their world?

When engaging with loved ones we might be brave enough to ask the deeper, more thoughtful queries to enhance current relationships.

Another path might be to give ourselves the gift of 24 hours of freedom from phones, computers, TV, radios, and even books.  Allowing ourselves to reestablish a connection with our true selves, not influenced from outside sources.  We can explore where our thoughts may lead us when given the freedom to wander aimlessly with creativity, which may rejuvenate our imagination. 

Also, it may feel good to share these new experiences as we encourage each other to be uncomfortable with the idea of stretching our boundaries in search of amazing possibilities.

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Jean Roalsvig Jean Roalsvig

Open the Floodgates

Open the floodgates to allow the love, gratitude, appreciation, kindness, and warmth to come into our heart and soul.  The path towards self-realization is first and foremost about love and appreciation of ourselves.  We hear this often.  But what on Earth does that mean in a practical sense?  How do I begin to love myself? How do I accept myself completely as I am right at this moment? Where’s the manual to follow for step-by-step instructions?

Maybe we need to open ourselves up completely without barriers to receive all of the love and gratitude that so many others are offering to us.  How often do we deflect compliments, words of praise, and thanks? Love is everywhere, we simply need to open our eyes, and become aware.

 We could fully invite, allow, and absorb this form of love into our body, mind, and soul.  Feel the flow into our bodies. Feel the warmth, and the comfort. Release the tension from blocking all the words of thanks and kindness.  This is our first step towards self-love; when we allow the love from others into our hearts, we strengthen our own hearts so we may begin to love ourselves unconditionally. All ways, always

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Jean Roalsvig Jean Roalsvig

Nature is Our True Guide

The easiest way to connect to our true Self, to our spirit guides, and loved ones across the veil is through Mother Earth.  Nature is our True Guide.  Listen to our instincts, follow our nudges, spend quality quiet time in nature absorbing her gifts ~ gifts of time ~ gifts of wisdom, that we can only receive when our minds are quiet.  Allow the love, wisdom, and grounding gifts from nature to flood our body, mind, and soul.  This is our true path to enlightenment. 

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Jean Roalsvig Jean Roalsvig

Our Words Are Wise

When I speak, my words take on an important role.  My mind wants to be accurate, to ensure that my words become reality. 

When I say “I am tired”, my mind sends a message to my body to feel tired.  My mind controls what happens in my body.  So, what I say or think, actually happens.

Sometimes I fail to realize, that the opposite is just as easy to manifest.  “I am full of energy”, spoken aloud or just as a thought, has the power to revitalize my body.

Sometimes we have a tendency to be nicer to others than we are to ourselves.  A kind word or thought to ourselves has the power to uplift us when we might need it most.   A gentle reminder; we are deserving of our own loving kindness.  Everyday.

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Jean Roalsvig Jean Roalsvig

Happy Valentine’s Day!!

     I was in two different grocery stores today and saw many men buying a bouquet of flowers for someone they love. 

The energy was palpable. I sensed the joy in their auras.  This made me happy.

     I am reflecting on how many ways there are to feel love.

Today I went to the woods to talk to the trees. The February sun, here in the Northeast, was so strong I could feel the heat on my legs. I love that.

     I love a good novel so much that I do not want it to end. I am afraid I’ll miss these wonderful characters I’ve come to know so well.

I love when I find the time to be kind to myself, a good long soak in the tub, linger in bed enjoying my soft blanket a little longer this morning, fitting in time to          meditate, and spending quality time in nature.

There are so many ways to find love throughout the day.

     I hope you see, feel, and find lots of love today!

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Jean Roalsvig Jean Roalsvig

What is Self Love?


My Spirit guides tell me that my path forward would be so much easier and more fulfilling if I could love myself more. I asked ‘what do you mean by self-love?’

‘Perhaps re-frame self-love as Soul Love. Is that easier to digest? Sending love to your very own soul?’

 Then I was given some suggestions. This way I can choose those that do resonate with me and leave the rest.


*Make time daily to allow for quiet, reflective space to reacquaint myself with my soul

*Practice mindful breathing when fear arises

*Feel gratitude for all that is

*Release emotions, allow them to flow through and out

*Self-care, healthy food, exercise, yoga, pampering

*Connect to ancestors expressing love, gratitude, & forgiveness

*Connect to my Inner Child sending love, comfort, & the knowledge of safety & stability

*Look in the mirror and say ‘I Love You’

***Connecting with Nature is an elixir for your Soul***

           (obviously, my favorite! 😊)

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Jean Roalsvig Jean Roalsvig

One Day at a Time…

One Day at a Time…. has taken on a whole new meaning for me.  I have heard this saying many times and I thought sure, slow down, maybe someday.  I am 66 years young and have not felt the urge to slow down.  That advice must be for other people, certainly not me.  Breaking my leg allowed me to see that if I took the time to slow down, I would find the answers I was searching for right inside my own subconscious mind.

    I have been literally forced to live in the present moment.  As I walk mindfully in the woods, on crutches, I am able to see the many miracles that Spring has to offer as the forest slowly wakes up and blooms anew.  I continue to learn to Trust and Believe in myself and my ability to communicate with the unseen worlds.

    I am truly thankful for this opportunity to grow, evolve and better serve my fellow souls here on Mother Earth.  I am learning many lessons from this experience; allowing others to help me, feeling safe to let love in, and that it is healthy to express my emotions, among others. 

     Tune into your personal frequency to access your Inner Wisdom.   Gift yourself some quiet time to reflect, contemplate, or meditate on what you may want to focus on each day. Break out of your daily pattern, instead of breaking a leg!  I send you love, joy and peace each and every day

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Jean Roalsvig Jean Roalsvig

I Choose Joy

Speaking from personal experience, I feel a bit shaky when I am joyful. It's somewhat unfamiliar, new, and uncertain.

When I feel sad or down, it feels comfortable and familiar, like an old friend perhaps.

I have spent a lot of time over the past two years 'tuning into my feelings', getting to know my Self a bit better.

It has been a very interesting journey so far and I expect more layers to unfold as I am ready to receive them.

My biggest revelation, I realized, is that I need to step out of my comfort zone and invite joy into my daily routine.

One way I experience joy is spending quiet time in nature observing the world around me.

Everyone is unique. How do you find joy in your busy life? Do you allow yourself the time to find joy?

Sometimes I feel guilty being joyful when others are suffering, but then I have the hope that my joyful demeanor may brighten someone else's day.

And that is another source of joy for me!

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Jean Roalsvig Jean Roalsvig

Merge with Mother Earth

Connecting with the energies of Mother Earth can be an integral part of your spiritual journey. I have found when I merge my energies with the natural world, my ability to communicate to the Spirit World is greatly enhanced. I started this practice by visiting the same rock in the woods repeatedly, just being in that space with nature, no expectations. After a period of time I was able to visualize myself clearly sitting on that same rock, no matter where I was physically. Eventually, I imagined my physical body merging and blending with the energy of the rock. Each time I did this it seemed more real and possible as I became one with the rock. I was excited to try different locations that I had never visited. Among my favorite locations to ‘travel’ to are the Sahara Desert, the Olympic ice rink, ocean waves, and a mud packed dirt road. I am only limited by my imagination, my choices are limitless. After I spend some time in my chosen location I continue my daily mediation practice and listen to the wise words of the Spirit World. Please feel free to try this for yourself, I promise your world travels will be thoroughly enriching to your body, mind, and soul.

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Jean Roalsvig Jean Roalsvig

Spiritual Hygiene

We’re told we are energy beings having a human experience. If this is the case, what are we doing to promote the health of our energy bodies? Our spiritual and emotional bodies need daily care to be at their peak performance also. How does it feel when you run out the door and you have forgotten to brush your teeth? Similarly, our etheric bodies need daily care. The more time and effort we put into the care of our non-physical bodies the more they will respond to your needs and requests. I get it, I remember the first time I was told that daily meditation was needed to be a successful yoga teacher. I was dismayed to say the least, but now that I am on the other side of the fence, I totally, wholeheartedly agree. At this point it is a gift I give myself everyday, it strengthens my ability to communicate to the spirit world. It allows me to be present in the now and absorb all that the natural world has to offer. It has opened many windows I could never have imagined. I encourage you to open your window of imagination to see what gifts are waiting for you.

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Jean Roalsvig Jean Roalsvig

Message from Spirit

My spirit guides have asked me to share that we all have amazing capabilities.

Stop looking outside of yourselves and develop your own sense of Self.

Gift yourself quiet time to hear your true Inner Wisdom, it is still there buried under the noise we tend to surround ourselves with.

Do not be afraid there is only love at our core, waiting to embrace you and your dreams.

Let your dreams be known, be specific, create your own joy, then sit back and watch the miracles start.

I am totally humbled by my experiences, but I did the ‘work’, meditating most days. Was it easy? No. Was it worth it? Absolutely.

Everyone has their own dreams and their own path, spend time asking yourself what do you want?

What brings you Joy? Visualize the details, speak about your vision. Then let it go and watch as the magic happens.

Be patient with the process, enjoy the transformation along the way.

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Jean Roalsvig Jean Roalsvig

10 Things I’ve Learned From Mother Earth

  1. We are all nature

  2. We all need to ground our energy daily at minimum

  3. Mother Earth provides Love & Healing in addition to grounding

  4. Connecting to Mother Earth’s energy is equally important while connecting to Universal energy

  5. Blending our energy with trees is beneficial to both

  6. Quality quiet time in nature can heal our bodies and souls

  7. All beings on this planet are connected energetically

  8. Give and receive love to nature

  9. Trees are special healers

  10. If you listen, Mother Earth will share her wisdom with you

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